Publish Date: 21 October 2022
Pool Heater Maintenance Guide
Pool heaters are expensive pieces of equipment that require regular maintenance. They enable pool owners to prolong the swimming season, and with the appropriate combination of technology, a pool may be used year-round. It can be costly to replace or repair a pool heater if it breaks. We will discuss the maintenance needs of your pool and the indications that it’s time to call in a professional for servicing or repair.
Reserve a Service Before the Swimming Season
Whether or not you anticipate a problem with your heater and pool gear, scheduling a swimming pool service before the warmer months is advisable to ensure the system is functioning correctly.
When it Runs Dry
Never attempt to use your pool’s pumps, filters, or heaters while no water enters them. Air is compressible, but water is incompressible. This implies that operating pumps without water might cause pressure fluctuations and chemical reactions that the systems were not built to handle. Most gear can tolerate short-term abnormalities, but using heating equipment without water can lead to failure. This is why you should get a pool cover to decrease evaporation.
Energy Prices act as an indicator
Occasionally, it may not be apparent that your pool heater is suffering since it may still be doing its function. It may be working twice or three times harder than necessary owing to partly clogged pipes, damaged electrical connections, or various mechanical defects. There may be an issue with your pool heater if your energy expenses are higher than usual.
Poor Performance
Different kinds of pool heaters function differently. Thus it is not always simple to tell whether it is environmental circumstances or mechanical failure causing your pool to heat sporadically. Gas heating is a reliable heat source that should result in a predictable heating rate. Heat pumps, on the other hand, are partially reliant on the surrounding air temperature, whereas solar pool heating depends on the combination of air temperature and sunshine intensity. If you are uncertain, schedule a pool heater repair.